Monday , January 20 2025

Piatra Craiului Trips

Piatra Craiului Trips: a short presentation

Piatra Craiului Trips – With the appearance of a natural stone fortress, covered with a green forest belt towards the foot of the mountain, Piatra Craiului is and remains unique among our mountains.

The appearance of Piatra Craiului in the ‘landscape’ of the Southern Carpathians seems accidental, as this mountain is the most spectacular limestone and syncline formation in the Southern Carpathians, being composed of Mesozoic limestones and conglomerates layered on crystalline bedrock.

Thinking about Piatra Craiului Trips? Pay attention to the climate of the area

The climate is specific to the high regions of the Southern Carpathians, with considerable influences from altitude, ridge orientation and local relief. The north-south orientation of the mountain gives rise to different microclimates. For this reason, the eastern slope has a milder climate and is warmer in the morning.

Piatra Craiului TripsThe Piatra Craiului massif is covered by snow from November to April, and there are also avalanche danger zones at Valea Mărțoiului, Valea Funduri and Valea Cheii. So, you should really be aware of the weather changes on the mountain before going on any Piatra Craiului Trips. Of course, the tentation is high, but you need to choose wisely.

The unique and beautiful Piatra Craiului Carnation

The most valuable representative of the plants here, and the symbol of Piatra Craiului National Park, is the Piatra Craiului Carnation.

It is unique and special. It does not exist in any other country and is an even greater source of pride.It was only discovered in 1853, when the Saxon botanists Kotschy and Schot described it scientifically for the first time.The Piatra Craiului Carnation can be admired on the sunny, grassy rocky areas of the lower alpine zone, or at the upper limit of the alpine meadows.Its pink colour attracts everyone’s eyes in the summer months. Its Latin name, Dianthus callizonus, means ‘the carnation with too beautiful girdles’.

Butterflies, messengers of the Mountain

The Piatra Craiului area is home to 216 species of rare butterflies, such as Psodos coracinus dioszeghy, as well as Pieris bryoniae – a species on the red list of European butterflies of the day.

Wonders of the rock

The ridge area, the Western Wall with all its exceptional geological and geomorphological features, the limestone gorges both in the north (Prăpăstiile Zărneștiului) and in the south (Cheile Dâmbovicioarei, Brusturetului, Dâmboviței), the mountain villages (Măgura and Peștera), the Bârsei, Dâmboviței and Dâmbovicioarei valleys are just a few of the unique places in Piatra Craiului.

Piatra Craiului National Park has over 40 marked trails, seven refuges and huts and guesthouses around the area where you can stay overnight. If you’re not sure where to start, you can check our Piatra Craiului Trips, which are available especially during summertime, or you can contact us directly. One og our mountain guides will be more than happy to join you in your adventurous hikes!

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